Anyone else slurping RLC even at these levels? feels like stealing

anyone else slurping RLC even at these levels? feels like stealing

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RLC was here long before your shitcoin faggot kys

Can I make it to $100k with 300?

how does 300k in 2025 sound?

If RLC has million buyers, then I'm one of them.
If RLC has 10 buyers, then I'm one of them.
If RLC has one buyer, then I'm THAT ONE.
If RLC has no buyers, that means I'm dead.
If the world is against RLC, I'm against the world.
Until my last dollar, I'll buy RLC.

$100 EOY, $1000 EOY 2025.

rlc.gif - 220x165, 57.89K

I am actually buying a little more. Yes.

based that's how we all make it, buy little more at a time over time

Zased oil baron

Be honest OPEC niggers, be FUCKING HONEST
What is the REALISTIC target?


Based stablecoin connoisseur

it depends do you think it will reach top 20? i do, at some point it will become undeniable

do you want fast gains? it might happen it might not, but if you want something that feels safe and could actually go to top 20 then RLC is that coin

20$ at worst, around 100$ at best.

If the AI and DePIN hypes hit off really well and if the worker pools are a success then it could easily go well above 100$... But we really need those GPU and CPU PUBLIC worker pools to pull that off.

The price was literally 20$ at the peak of last bull run without any worker pools or the AI/DePIN hype

yes, surprised there isnt more chatter about this, it has a lot of room to grow during a bullrun. $3.60 isnt a bad price, i seriously doubt you'll lose money in the next 6-12 months if you slurp this up


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you should get a staking fee for all the RLC staked rent free in your tiny brain

I'm so incredibly impressed how organic this is.

Do you like me replying to myself from computers setup in multiple locations in order for it to look like people are interested?

If the answer is yes, I can offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity of sending me 1BTC and I'll also shill your project of choice.

Do you remember all the ICP threads from a few weeks ago? Yes, you've guessed it. That was all me, every single last person and thread.

checked and kek based scammer

100 checkums scheduled for deposit

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Checked WAGMI fake shill

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Depends on how many oil barrels you own young one. If you've got 8700 then you'll probably make it this bull run

hat's what I'm planning to do with PEAQ when they launch the token this Q1. I'm going big on DePIN, Fag.

do you have the other gifs from this? looks better as gif than youtube desu

DCA would be a solid strat. That's the game plan when the project that hooked up Brainstem into its ecosystem drops its token.

You are based, Anon. The synergy between DePIN & AI is more than theoretical; its practical market impact could be profound.

already stacked up my bags full of BTCDragon. normies sleeping on this have no idea how fucked they are

i think the synergy btw AI and data will be more practical. data is the new oil well


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urm, anon

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stealing is a crime punishable by death

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feels safe

Lmao it still hasn’t even touched the 2017 high, which would be the all time high if not for the extremely brief Coinbase pump.

The only one stealing is Gilles from all of you suckers.

Weak logic lol
It's always in the same sats range. Easy to swing, safe to hold. Just don't buy the top like a retard

bro these memes are so cringe wtf is this rlc memes like why also who calls people frens these days cringe just go touch grass bro these gifs are all so lame i would never save any of these the webm's might be funny but you definitely shouldn't share these on social media or with

the boys

these are all just bad memes made by 12 year olds

htGRhR3cVj.jpg - 688x669, 84.13K

Are you saying, in other words, that it will surpass 2021 ath?

Just don't buy the top like a retard

Not just with this alone, but with other assets as well, like ETH, XTP, Sol, Naka, and many other promising ones.

Wow, I think that someone is jealous about the fact that our 263m$ mcap coin has more memes than his 5.75b$ mcap VC scam has...

That's the difference between a VC scam and a proper project. We're community driven, you guys literally AI generate mcdonalds clowns with an upside down M

649 RLC memes
39 GIFs
+ extras

Enjoy frens, spread them like the plague

super_saiyan.gif - 640x373, 1.36M

yeah rlc is stealing money from you