What killed the hype?

Also ICP is just a glorified data center. Centralized dog shit

further diluted the supply. /thread

Absolutely nothing the bullrun hasn’t even begun

You really running into another thread to escape me RLC baggy? I already completely derailed your RLC shill thread

It didn't die and actually performed just as good if not better than 99% of the market (illiquid shitcoins nonwithstanding) so the hype to fud it died and only turbo autists that can't accept they were wrong are left trying.

Icp is one press release away from $25

the realization it's been a ghost chain since the beginning and no exciting developments are being built, nothing to look forward. Dead coin just looking to lure in retail for the last bit of exit liquidity before final rugpull to $0

The truth

Wow, they're so jealous they're making memes about RLC in order to try and capture a part of the 262m$ market cap, while they have a 5.7b$ market cap...

You guys must feel awful if you're so desperate as to try and pick on someone 21.75x smaller than you are... RLC must be doing something if you're so afraid.

hmmmmmm.jpg - 1200x992, 63.28K

Isn't rlc from like 2017? ICP has only been live for like half the time and achieved way more.

achieved way more.

Please tell us the things ICP has achieved besides being centralized and dumping from 2500 to 3

It's also a VC scam...

rlc_police.png - 628x442, 310.48K

dead on arrival middleware
a solution to a problem that never existed, but walking in the opposite direction of the best practices in the space:

local node over RPC

local front-end connected to light node as opposed to website

Unironically pajeet scams

The chain is full of jeets, Indonesians, and Nigerians

Sonic is owned by jeets

agreed! but ive been looking around for a single blockchain than can do more than icp, and can't seem to find anything. can you help?

There isnt anything. ICP will be used in conjuction with ETH and BTC to run the new world.

- bridgeless blockchain integration with BTC, and Ethereum in the works. No other chain can do this, End game is all blockchains integrated into ICP
- only blockchain that can work on it's own.
- can infinitely scale with 0 performance cost
- can directly interface with web 2 without the need for oracles
- a protocol that can change, future proofing it, changes are processed through DAO proposals
- web speed transactions

These aren't really achievements of ICP but I think they are cool
- Attacked by Sam Bankman-Fried because he was a scared pussy who knew that if it had a fair launch and publicity it would clap solana cryptoleaks.info/
- The creator of Neopets is working on his next project on ICP called Dragginz

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How is it centralized?

how hard can one RLC baggy seethe lmao

clown.jpg - 512x476, 52.86K

Can you connect your home pc to the network and run a node?

Polkadot is soon going to be able to do that 1st point soon kek

Do you see the "[P-K Bridge][launch] bridge with XCM passing and AHs asset transfer support"

That's literally it

All the other points are what this guy said Or some points are just non-sensical

Solid functionality, concept, and approach, but price reflection is zero. What's the whole point when I'm here to secure more bags?

I'm looking at buying more dot along with other assets like dua and naka this week.

but price reflection is zero.

Good more time to buy then while retards like op stay poor

We're just here to tell you how stupid you are while we laugh at your measily gains compared to ours

Oh and tell biz what the actual truth is

RLC just corrected and will outgain ICP in the near future 10 fold.

RLC up +269% in the last 6 months

ICP up +254% in the last 6 months after dumping from 2500 to 3$

You bought an exit pump

I think its funny the RLC baggies are back. Newfags may not remember the shilling in 2018 and 2021 but the baggies come out around bull runs and try to sucker more bizlets into bagholding.

Keep coping faggot funny how I triggered you so hard in your failed tg Anon Babble raid thread that you are in here still seething hours later

Your home pc doesn't meet the minimum required specs. You're free to buy a server and run your own node though


Based on my experience and sentiment, I wouldn't suggest the peeeeee to anyone except those who want to secure some loss. The team should focus more on ways to add value to the token than the tech at this point.

He’s an RLC baggy from last bullrun he doesn’t have enough rupees to afford a node server

Hahaha get fucked, zero reply, get absolutely fucked

There's no such thing as an RLC baggie but there is for the billions of marketcap lost on ICP launch

Are you autistic? Zero reply yet you just replied to me? Tell your tg to hire better shills.

Your replies are that of an actual retard, kill yourself, time to let your thread die because you have no real community


no such thing as an RLC baggie

Show the all time chart you liar

How fucking mad can you be faggot? ICP community is a developer community why would everyone waste time arguing with losers like you when they could be building.

He won’t because he’s a brainless shill sent by a telegram