Repeat of 2008
Housing is crashing
good, fuck hoomers. based interest rates, praise Jerome
The only way this happens if Wall St. has a credit event and has to sell.
43% of all inventory is owned outright.
My guess is wall st gets bailed out like before and they get to keep that inventory and continue to make American's rent slaves.
Its already happening for a year here in Germany
So It was probably only a matter of time before it also hits the US
Its actually good, because houses become more affordable
Thank God maybe I can stop renting
the price has dipped 2% after having a pumped 30%
My house is too big so I'm renting it out and then renting a shitty little place for myself. If rental prices drop I'll just live in my own house again because the extra income and savings won't be worth it anymore
It'S gonna crash ALL THEE WAYY TO SCHWIFTY-FIVE (2020)
It "dipped" 14% actually, according to MSPUS. The 2008 crash was a 23% drop from peak to trough on the same chart. When stocks crash it will be an absolute bloodbath.
Yeeach, I see it in my small city in central Europe. Prices are already down 20%, plus if I counted inflation, it would be around 50%. And nobody is buying or will not buy. We also see a lot of news about young people staying with parents in the age group 24-34, so it is getting normalized.
So I might finally actually be able to move out of my parents at the age of 35?
is there a chart that i can watch the crash live at?
house is leverage trade. considering initial payment could be less than 20%, people can get margin call.
This a problem poor jews are going to have to contend with. If it's cheaper to stay with your parents, and you don't have to get shackled to a 30 year mortgage, at what price is good for a plywood home? The (((market))) has to adjust to people not wanting a home when even at half price, it's not worth it.
30 years a slave, HOA, shitty neighbors, little you can do to protect your home in blue states, a house that is cardboard. Houses have priced themselves out of the market. It's literally cheaper to buy a new citizenship then a home in the USA. LOL.
rent still 1600 a studio though
no one ever posts data
I think all of you are jeet larpers.
MSPUS (updated every 3 months... enjoy)
2 more?
I would only buy property in Germany when I had proof that Jews buy, otherwise its catching a falling knife
Prices pumped years ago and covid restrictions on construction were relaxed years ago and surprise, new housing is being completed and is on the market. You also have late boomers retiring and downsizing to smaller homes, and old boomers selling their homes to fund nursing home costs. Zeihan predicted this, and if millenials had kids they'd be buying up all these houses for sale and making families in them, but Zeihan never talks about anti-natalism explicitly.
Anyway we're so close to post-scarcity at this point, and the money is so fake, it doesn't really matter. Sure buy a house if you can: it's going to be a cardboard POS and you can't choose your neighbors. It won't make your wife loyal. It's just a hollow facsimile of how life used to be 80 years ago.
In my opinion the smart move is to leech off family as long as possible and put everything in crypto and leapfrog the entire rat race. Knock up a few girls, get a good lawyer to keep child support low, and just enjoy life as much as you can.
I looked up my parents home and it's now at an ATH of $600k and my grandmother's is at $417k, second only to a $500k ATH in 2020.. It's only 600st ft in a ghetto Hispanic hood where the houses are visibly rotting and unlevel. No one's salary is increasing, some people I know it has gone down, they lost their bonus, or were laid off. This market is absolutely deranged.
Hell yeah LFG boys.
You are coping
It's literally cheaper to buy a new citizenship then a home in the USA
I've unironically been looking at dual nationalism as an alternative. You can buy citizenship in many tropical touristy area with cheap CoL for about $100k. 1/4th what the average house in the US sells for. Running dual citizenship means you can keep a US salary on remote work and live like a king.
lol home prices are already rising again you doomer faggots
because we can actually look up the data ourselves and dont need to be spoonfed ranjesh
It's just a map of places Californians metastasized to.
And yet you can't contribute anything useful to the thread despite claiming to know the data. Good morning sars.
we dont have many jews here for obvious reasons
namedrop the countries my friend
house prices down 10% over the year in my cunt
going to take a lot more than that
Someone please tell that to my housing market.
I'm busy buying and it's still retardedly skewed towards sellers.
Starbucks wagies will never afford a home close to work here, kek.
Looks like it's getting ready for the next leg up ape in bros
I don't know how you can handwave a "just down 10% bro" when you look at the last 15 years of appreciation and even a 0% change yoy should be alarming.
you don’t want to live in any of those countries. you want the second citizenship so you can renounce your US citizenship and go live in a much nicer low-tax country where you can’t just buy citizenship but can get a residence permit.
Nomad Capitalist on youtube is the source for this kind of international diversification.
There is a catch to this, fellow Bernd. From what I've heard, residential construction has dried up apart from institutional investors building apartment complexes for sale/renting/speculation. That could really fuck our housing market long term, but at least you can actually get craftsmen to do shit on your house, without waiting 6 months and paying out of the ass for it
Why is Wyoming still so fucking expensive?
biz is a meme website we come here to joke not give legit financial advice (except to people we feel deserve it)
appreciate the Pajeet memes tho
White demographics
I like it
why didn't you ask for a response to the mcdonalds secret menu you dumb bastard i dont know anything about this housing bullshit all i know is that im going to the moon with wcdonalds you stupid pajeet
As far as I know it's mostly government sector and healthcare jobs. No way they make that much money.
Thank you for confirming that nothing that you will ever say will have any value.
Weird bot post probably triggered by "sars" or "jeet"
Absence of niggers is the biggest driver of housing prices. People are willing to pay a premium and face a long commute if they don't have to put up with a gorilla zoo at home.
During the pandemic the liberals that claim to love niggers so much did not move to black areas.
So it's full of California fags now?
Have housing prices ever been at the highs they are today though? They have to come down when the majority of people can't afford them.
They have to come down when the majority of people can't afford them.
They do, but no one knows when the markets will return to historical norms. Right now we are at the lowest sales in 30 years as buyers simply cannot afford the prices and sellers believe themselves to be entitled to peak prices.
So this normalizes by buyers making more money (unlikely as the entire government is geared towards lowering wages through mass immigration) or the sellers are forced to sell through the global recession that has hit everywhere except the US.
I'm of the opinion that the US is already in a recession but the propaganda has gotten so all encompassing that it's creating it's own reality distortion field.
I dunno OP, my house pumped by 100k in the past couple months. Surely inflation can't account for all of that.
Most homes for sale in my area were purchased in 2020 and are initially listed for a straight 50% markup. Then comes the long slow process of 5% markdowns on asking price. Remember that comps don't change if there aren't any sales. Once the threshold is reached where the asking price reflects reality, the comps are fucked and the market will plummet. We're just in a holding pattern where no completed sales = no change in market prices. And there isn't any corporate bagholder coming to swoop in and buy everything. That would have already happened. They would know it's free money (but it's not).
I refuse to buy a house until it costs less than 1 BTC
Otherwise the opportunity cost is too great
Yes and this process can take years. The crash in 2008 happened yet the actual bottom was 3-4 years later.
Most crashes take more like 5 years to bottom.
Some take 10 or 20 years.
The faces of your friends and coworkers.
yes, the real estate market moves kind of strange
it moves in one direction for years and then suddenly thats over and it goes the other way
Thats exactly what happened here in Germany
People always said "it only goes up"
obese incel still living with mommy cope.
Get a better job holy shit you are pathetic lol. Zoomers are the most retarded people to ever walk the earth.
In Japan people say "why buy a house? It only goes down"
It goes only up if you zoom out hard enough due to the inbuilt inflationary economic model. However it can have years of downturn in the short term.
Yes, the strange thing is, our population is actually growing and we have a lack of housing, but once its overvalued it just comes down sooner or later.
Chart taken from
Careful looking at MSPUS and deciding the market is crashing. That drop could simply mean the cheap homes left are selling faster than more expensive ones, and the other two lines seem to confirm that.
In the long run, the real estate market doesn't crash. At best, it has downturns.
Guys, look at airdrop, I just got 100 tokens
Right, real esate was louzy here for decades basically. Then it exploded up, once interest rates were lowered to zero. There were youtube shows for normies how they all should invest in real estate. Its logical that it now goes the other way.
whatever is worse for the goyim and best for the jews is usually what always happens
I just sold my house for a 7x and moved to a cheaper state. I'm hoping the housing market crashes and I can scoop up another one for dirt cheap like I did in 2015.
Urbanite faggot transplants causing economic distortions by driving the average house price way above what the average area wage can afford.
I think it's unquestionable that we are in the downturn cycle. However I can't tell you how long it will last or how severe it will be.
It has a lot of white people
Unironically, proximity to a lot of white people make houses more expensive
They'll just delist all the unsold houses or find a way to destroy excess supply, like they did to cars with cash4clunkers. Globohomo is never going to let houses be affordable on any major scale ever again.
listen bro housing market gonna crash just like your mom i don't know what cash4clunkers is but it sounds very similar to what wcdonalds is about to do to the housing market we're going to buy all the unsold houses and turn them into wcdonalds real estate offices so that you can purchase your wcdonalds house on a payment plan using the new wccredit card there's no reason why we can't make houses affordable for everyone because at wcdonalds it's all about the people
it’s naive to think they have the level of economic control they like to pretend they do.
You misunderstand.
Critical token demand destruction. Bridge showing cracking bugs