IExec RLC - Priced out

87 (village stack) = 1 / 1.000.000th of the supply (1 million can have this many)
870 (suicide stack) = 1 / 100.000th of the supply (100k can have this many)
8700 (make it/upload stack) = 1 / 10.000th of the supply (10k can have this many)

A upload stack used to cost around 2.6k$. You had 7 years to buy a upload stack... Did you anon? Now it costs 31.5k$, therefore most people on here got cashed out of it already. At least buy a suicide stack, before you get cashed out of that too.

0 users

digital dog manure

mah trannies

french academics pump and dump



Get in here before it's too late

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I’ll buy ICP because I’m not a faggot

Centralized vc scam that dumped from 2500$ to 3 and will never recover. Vaporware.

All in RLC if you want to make it. Still rank 200 so there's a lot of room for gains.
RLC will go 50x before ICP goes 10x

I'm not a fagget either, I'm actually a classy transvestite demifox demon queen boy.

Also, why do you even bother shilling your ICP bags in a RLC thread? You must feel really endangered since all the ICP threads stopped? Guess everyone dumped on you and now you're desperately trying to get your lost money back?

True, ICP is MOSTLY a VC pump and dump scheme. Yes it will go up, but it won't go up as much as RLC, while also the tech itself is very much centralized.

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Wrong and a faggot

This is now an ICP thread. Digital Oil Brownskins can leave or stay to be laughed at.


Holy COPE!

Spamming wrong seems like a bad tactics desu. Not sure what you're trying to accomplish

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look i dont care if you think the strategy is


or not i have a very deep understanding of how wcdonalds customers react and i know the power that the word


has the reason we are winning and getting to the moon is because i know these things we are getting closer to 10m mc every day and with every new customer we gain more and more money the fact that you dont understand this speaks volumes about your intellect

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Yes, your words of wisdom got me. I just sold my 20k RLC and bought into your VC scam. Thank you for your words of wisdom clown boy, much appreciated

I'm really glad for you

listen here you little troglodyte we don't take kindly to people like you around here are you saying that wcdonalds isn't the next bitcoin listen here we sell more than just burgers and fries we sell wins and you will only get wins if you buy in now while the market cap is still low

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You could buy both, at least a suicide stack kek

Damn, someone is upset about ICP dumping hard again... I'm sorry guys, the VCs dumped on you again. I feel bad for you guys

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Imagine holding a centralized vc dump scam
You clearly married your bags after losing all of your money in the initial crash

Stay poor

ICP doesn't even do the same thing RLC does this is how I know you're a retard that married your bag
Enjoy your 4x the entire bull run while RLC easily gets a 50x this year

Wrong. RLC will do absolutely nothing this bullrun other than feed hungry Indians. Notice how nobody in here gives a shit about it enough to even participate in the thread. It’s just me asserting my dominance over you and the wcdonalds guy. It’s not too late to say pic related.

Oh no dead 2024biz doesn't spam RLC threads like icpoor fags do all day because they're all bagholding what ever will I do

*Buys more RLC as the supply dwindles further*

You are actually fucking retarded Rajeesh. Admit you are wrong and stop being a faggot.

Actually you're wrong and you're going to die poor

Wow really original “no you” the RLC tg really isn’t sending their best (they are and all RLC shills are retarded)

Dfinity is a VC scam and not decentralized, we know it since 2021

Just leave him, he'll just say "no you" again. He's just lonely and is trying to find frens

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Only person who said “no you” was the RLC shitskin

Buy a real project. I will allow you to buy ICP when you beg forgiveness and admit you were wrong.

Why is ICP better than RLC? Could you give me a detailed TECHNICAL comparison of the two?

Why waste the time explaining the singularity to you? A simpleton foolish enough to hold RLC could never comprehend it.

If you can't explain it, then you don't know what it does, which means you're a bag holder that bought something he doesn't understand.

Again, I'm sorry that Anon Babble convinced you to buy a VC scam. Sometimes bad things happen to good people like yourself

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How about a pie instead?

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You can DYOR RLC shill. Your thread has devolved into you failing to convince yourself RLC is better than ICP. Nobody in your tg is backing you up. You have failed to shill miserably.

Checked, ICP will go mid 3 digits this cycle RLC will top at $24

You realize the no you shit is exactly what you're replies consist of? Baseless retardation

You definitely got his ass

ICP fags in shambles

Is it a qt3.14?

I feel the burn, you must be popular with the ladies

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You just keep saying wrong which is just baseless retardation. Give examples or you're wrong by default.

RLC baggies

That's the difference between RLC holders and ICP holders, there's no such thing as bagholding RLC

checked, I hold both.

True, I'm up 18.25x on my best buy and x2.027 on my worst one

Sup lads haven't been in these threads for years
I have a 1k bag I bought for $3 a piece in 2022 on my ledger
and 800 on kraken
what am I in for bros ?
I genuinely thought we were going to go below 50c and got greedy, even had 5k cash saved to incest but I guess I'm priced out
(I still think we are in for a market correction before we enter the golden bullrun, yes I am delusional)

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what can i expect with my poorfaggot village stack?

I've been ignoring this coin for so long and now I'm FOMOing in when it pumped to $3.3


I still think we are in for a market correction before we enter the golden bullrun, yes I am delusional

You're probably not... But we'll see how it plays out

what am I in for bros ?

Worst case scenario it goes to 20$, best case is 100$. Ultra best case is above 100$, but that'll only happen if the worker pools are actually successful and the AI & DePIN narrative actually hit off tremendously

See above answer

I mean, this coin was shilled for 7 years constantly... You had a LONG time to buy. An upload stack used to be priced below 3k$, now it's 10x that

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Again if you knew how to read a chart you'd see there's zero bag holders compared to ICP which has MILLIONS of baggies

Also most people who bought into RLC have been buying in the 0.2 to 0.4$ range, since it has been HEAVILY SHILLED on here for LITERALLY 7 YEARS. I've literally got a meme folder of RLC memes. It contains 642 picture memes, 2 wembs, 39 GIFs and a few pictures of me getting a green ID containing RLC while also getting trips on top of it


Dog why not just start a separate icp thread? I own both fyi. Doesnt make sense to spam icp shit all over this thread

Ah, I forgot to mention. Maybe move your RLCs to Binance and put them into the flexible earn option. You'll get an APY... It's not big most of the time, but it's better than having 0% on your RLC desu

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