you must pay taxes ''for the greater good''
the ''greater good'' involves giving money to people that don't work and take drugs
you are supposed to feel happy and fulfilled after giving free money away to people that don't deserve it
you must pay taxes ''for the greater good''
the ''greater good'' involves giving money to people that don't work and take drugs
you are supposed to feel happy and fulfilled after giving free money away to people that don't deserve it
tax money goes to paying abortions
ok so my body my choice is a thing but my tax money my choice is not?
The jews won a long time ago. They won the game the rest of us didn't even know we were playing.
why do leftists even separate "government" from "corporation", anyway? they are the same thing
it's not even that. the government is funded by loans, not tax. they just print the money. so they devalue what you have, and tax you on top as a burn mechanism for their own mint function
Feel free to head off into backwoods Alaska or Somalia OP
you must take part in the ''collective''
for the ''collective'' benefit of everyone considered to take part in the ''collective''
the ''collective'' will benefit you eventually, if you just take part in the ''collective'' for long enough
no, the ''collective'' is not some type of infinitely deep hole to sink your millions of money into that will never benefit anyone
we must model our economy around a ''collective'' that isn't defined by anything other than the ability of the normal person to work and give money towards a ''collective''
oh, you don't identify yourself with this ''collective''? That's too bad, we're going to keep funneling money towards an idea that makes no sense
it makes a lot of sense when you look at it as money laundering under the guise of social programs
the collective is defined by the ability of someone to take part in it
even if the person doesn't, he must be able to benefit from it
This makes perfect sense.
It's like if someone who employs someone takes a look at someone and considers him a potential employee, that he should be able to live off of the money made by the employers even without being employed. The mere fact that he was considered to potentially be employed, makes it so he has the right to make money without doing anything.
A few years ago I took the time to wade through a breakdown of how my government spends our taxes. I learned that the layabouts you're referencing, although annoying, are a tiny drop in the ocean. They cost western countries hardly anything. The real expense is legitimately disabled people. The tax burden on supporting disability allowance is vast in comparison to unemployment benefits.
This in turn is dwarfed by the sum lost to tax avoidance. If our governments closed the loopholes on multinationals we could afford several times the current welfare state that we have now...
Despite the fact that funding them seems so unjust, illegal immigrants and layabouts aren't really the problem. Theyre just essy to blame. The problem is Google and Amazon. But you probably don't wanna hear that.
I shouldn't have to pay for other people's mistakes, that includes school taxes and family bullshit
illegal immigrants and layabouts aren't really the problem. Theyre just essy to blame.
They're also the problem. And the government's reaction to them is a problem for the people when they're being used as a weapon against the domestic population.
The US Federal Government is an open traitor and enemy to its citizens by now
The real expense is legitimately disabled people. The tax burden on supporting disability allowance is vast in comparison to unemployment benefits.
Define disabled people. There used to be a point in time where the defintion of words actually made sense, today every single word and defintion has become diluted through the mere usage of a large portion of people with different ideas in their minds.
Understandable question. I looked briefly into this to see how much was crossover between disability and unemployment. The expense of diability appears to be medical bills. It doesn't appear to be particularly expensive to sign off alcoholics and people who claim to have a bad back. Again, i get its annoying but its realoy a non-issue if you look at the cost. People that require round the clock care, daily physio, life long medical treatment etc.. That's expensive... but again, just to be clear, my point is that this in turn costs almost nothing compared to what is lost when huge companies are allowed to trade in your country and generate profits there but pay no tax while basing themselves in an offshore tax haven. Those companies are leeching the money straight out of your society at a rate not seen anywhere in government welfare expenditure.
accidentally admitting you live in under fascism and proving the leftists were right all along
kek he's worried about the peanuts that go to lazy bums on drugs and not the maniacal overlords working overtime to find more elaborate ways to poison and corrupt you that take the lion's share of 'taxes'
Taxes don't actually fund anything. Especially when your government can just turn on the money printer whenever they feel like it. Taxes are there simply to keep you poor.
civilization is le pyramid scheme!
Wow, you cracked the code OP great job. 10k+ years of human history and you’re the first to figure it out. Better get out of here ASAP and move to libertarian paradise in Antarctica where there’s no Stalinist nanny state to blow your money on socialist bullshit like sewer systems.
It’s very likely he’s so mentally owned that he likely views people like Bezos and Co dodging taxes as a good thing
dunning kruger moment
If you live in a time period where you can abuse a system where you do nothing and get something in return, then it's already over.
I don't give a shit how it makes you feel. I don't care how it affects others. I don't care how it affects me. I'll continue to support taxes and advocate for more just to make faggots like you seethe. Simple as.
This. You get taxed from the front and the back. Bitcoin fixes half of this.
Then you should be worried more about people like Bezos or mega corps dodging taxes versus poorfags getting an Obama phone. But again, this conflicts with the narrative.
It’s a literal nigger mindset- contribute nothing to maintenance, and then bitch when everything falls apart.
fuck you buy WCDONALDS
this glowie is working hard itt. all for naught, though.
I can hate rats and Black Death they bring and harbor EQUALLY
Actually you must pay taxes because states are very large and sophisticated protection rackets. This is just how things are. If there weren't states you would have petty warlords and mafias doing the same thing. At least this racket has a codified set of laws and a population that generally believes in it's legitimacy.
Taxes stabilize the economy (slows inflation) which allows the government to print and spend more money.
hello fellow anons, did you know that paying taxes is actually really cool and the problem isn't us spending your money like retards, it's actually Jeff bezos?
now pay up paypigs, taxes are due April 18th
no refunds
Don't forget psychopaths that use it to commit murder (war).
inept subhumans literally print money and still manage to go net negative and overspend
the solution is to give them more money
Every single time. There are hundreds of ways of taking the money off billionaires but you vaushtards always want the guberment to be the receiver of it all like a bunch of cucks.
did you know that paying taxes is actually really cool and the problem isn't us spending your money like retards
This is the main and sole concern I have in regards to how tax money is used, let alone that they tax people, on top of it all they use it in the most braindead retarded ways you could ever possibly imagine. And those ways are social welfare programs to addicts, social housing, providing the dregs of society with respectable lives by doing jack shit. All in the name of ''maybe if they hadn't been disadvantaged, they'd be able to lift themselves out of poverty''. Then you get morons erecting school buildings in poor neighborhoods, assuming that the very idea of placing anyone in a classroom environment, is in itself already a positive thing, even if they don't even learn shit. But that's not what the concern is, about managing to improve their lives, the main concern is keeping them away from crime, and merely being in a school facility is already a step in the right direction, according to them.
Somalia is a country that has experienced like a half dozen failed socialist governments over the span of like 50 years LOL fucking moron.
Feeding lazy trash people has lead to US inner cities occupied by human trash for over half a century. You subsidized rent and turned every city into a habitat for niggers. You subsidize crack pipes and create tent cities for ghouls with AIDS. Feeding animals has had immense consequences.
Remember, if you don’t think we should be subsidizing illegal immigrants to invent new street gangs, if you don’t think we should keep subsidizing chronically unemployed blacks to occupy conveniently located inner city housing, if you don’t think we should encouraging crackheads to camp out on sidewalks with free drugs - that means you love Jeff Bezos!!! Durrrrr I’m retarded leftshit redditor look at me I’m so smart
This person is actually speaking the truth and people are equally listening and hating him for it. The majority of the problem tax-wise and financially isn’t caused by immigration. It is indeed caused by big corporations evading tax. Non stop. That doesn’t mean immigration is a good thing. Illegal immigration is horrible and must be stopped by walls or gunfire. But this poster is right. Tax and financially speaking.
If you think some fat negress with an Obama phone is draining the public treasury more than tax loopholes for billionaires and mega corporations then you are legitimately retarded and playing right into hands of wealthy tax cheats, yes.
Bureaucrats used their position of authority to evade taxes, leaving the burden of taxation on the poorer citizens. By now, taxes consumed more than one third of most farmers' gross income.
People who were unable to bear this burden would have agreed to become indebted to landlords in exchange for protection, effectively transforming them from free citizens into serfs.
The poor flocked to these estates, and as they grew the usage of money became increasingly rarer. This crippled the economy and the ability of the military to gather the necessary funds.
The poverty-stricken lower class often turned towards crime.
support taxes and advocate for more
Kek. So you aren't doing shit but posturing online.
You'll be the reason why Trump wins 2024.