Burning Circle (Ticker: CIRCLE)
Burning Circle (Ticker: CIRCLE)
Your mom has a burning circle after I fucked her in the ass
$CIRCLE is unique token design, a first mover. The LP (Uniswap v3) is permanently locked in a smart contract which periodically claims the LP rewards, uses them to buy back and burn the purchased circle. The erc20 has this "chaos" function which when called automatically buys and sells circle 5 or 6 times with several ETH of volume and leaves the price slightly higher than before (higher in eth, which is what you should care about). Doing this generates more trading fees, which allows more burns, therefore more chaos volume and continually growing amount of ETH in the LP.
It's a novel improvement on deflationary tax shitcoins. Instead of anyone paying a tax fee on buy or sells, the burn is funded by the trading rewards accrued by the permanently locked LP.
That’s not very nice, Anon
Okay, I'm interested in hearing more. Shill this coin to me Anons. I was unimpressed by the website and white paper though desu
The supply is being burned rapidly.
Coinbase will list it
Tokenomics generate high volume.
Coinbase built base and needs it to be successful (read their Q4 report)
Layer 2s to attract users need high volume and high liquidity.
Coinbase is directing users to bar layer (liquidity)
Circle’s tokenomics provide tbe volume.
I think it's obvious that base will be the winner this cycle. It's very risky to not be in base tokens. I have all the big names on base including circle. I don't want to fight with fomo later on when the valuations are higher.
None of the other deflationary coins have worked, why would this be different? Do the tokenomics somehow ensure it goes up in price?
How do the tokenomics generate high fees?
A lot of them have worked anon, and it’s always the novel ones doing something new for the first time that pump the most. They don’t last forever, but there is life hanging money to be make in early ponzis.
You're saying you don't believe that this project is sustainable?
LP is locked in a contract that claims trading fees and uses those feeds to make buys and sells and after a certain amount of buying and selling stops when price is higher then when it started and the accrued circle gets sent to burn addrsss
it's as sustainable as hex or safemoon
It is basically the safemoon of this cycle minus the rug, pic related
Won't this drain the ETH in the LP over time? I mean I'm trying to understand where the appreciation comes from.
I mean I'm trying to be open minded here, but that doesn't sound great to me
By minus the rug mean it's appreciation is sustainable, or that it's sufficiently decentralized to not be rugged in the traditional way?
Safemoon and Hex both did like a 100000X and made shit tons of millionaires
Yeah I get it, just find something more suitable to you. Such projects require some conviction.
It has the opposite effect, it's a V3 pool so it doesn't need to maintain a 1:1 ratio
No. The eth in LP is never used. It’s the trading fees that are used. The dev put 100% tokens in LP paired with eth. Then took the token claiming the LP and locked it into a smart contract. That smart contract claims the trading fees for supplying liquidity. Uses those fees to generate trades. Then burns circle token that it bought.
Okay appreciate the feedback, fren. I'll probably still buy a bag, but my honest opinion is that the lack of info in white paper and the website is going to turn a lot of people away.
What was the max market cap for safemoon I'm having trouble finding it? Do you know?
To add to this, basically there will always be more eth in the LP than available Circle to sell into it and that ratio will continue to increase over time. This basically means that there's a continuously rising floor price for circle. For example as a hypothetical many years from now, imagine there's only 100k circle left in circulating supply. Even if all 100k were sold into the LP in one market sell - there could still be hundreds or even thousands of ETH locked in the LP.
Official white paper not out yet. It’s coming. Just still early in process
Point taken thanks
$18b at it's peak
Okay... Now I'm a bit more interested kek
Very well known whale also bought in yesterday, guy currently has $500k in Pepe in his wallet and now Circle is his second biggest holding on that wallet. Also the very first time this whale has bridged to Base. There's even a twitter thread about how good this whale is at buying things low that then go up massively. See here: twitter.com
This is their address btw, can see they're obviously a multi millionaire and well connected: 0x52bd9009bacd679f210178b9430dfa0b84317978
Highest volume, lowest market cap on Base. Makes ya think
Nice find anon, this pepe whale has only 2x more circle tokens than me. I'm going to make it after all
some jeet has been spamming this the last few days. he's going to rug it soon, imagine thinking coinbase would ever touch this POS
Stay poor, ugly smelly nigger
I read the thread know, It's og link whale
Define sustainable. I don’t think it will be here in 5 years, but it will have made me a shit load of money in 5 weeks and even more money in 5 months.
There is no CIRCLE in his wallet
Yes there is. He has 4236 CIRCLE. It is on the Base blockchain
Check on basescan, this Is huge for me, I'm not that dumb after ali
I don't know what site he's using, which is obviously MarketCapOf. But MCO doesn't know what the fuck Burning Circle/Circle/or the ca is. So obvious fake image
It's sustainable, just start using the decimal points
He bought 11 hours ago. Og link/yfii/aave whale. He hold $500k in pepe
I have read the contract source code. There is no way to rug it
He doesn't have any CIRCLE at all and never did. You can see his Base portfolio. Whoever is shilling here with all his alts is doing a terrible job
forgot pic
scamming rajeets at it again lmao, look at what happens when you actually try to swap for this shitcoin LOL mods just ban these fucking indians already
The peak mcap of safemoon was 18 billion. If circle reaches that marketcap with a supply of 1,000,000 tokens, that is $18,000 per token. In reality, the supply is smaller and constantly burning. 7% has already burned, so the real estimated price would be higher. If we reach just one tenth of safemoons peak mcap, that would be $1,800 per CIRCLE. I dont see why this isnt possinle given that the ecosystem is backed by coinbase and its the hottest new blockchain of this cycle
Try again, ranjeesh
Okay, you just outed yourself as a low IQ newfag who doesnt even know how to use metamask. Nice one.
bro, I understand how MC comparisons work... I'm saying that image is obviously fake news. Since MCO doesn't recognize the Circle
You're retarded and don't know how to use a block explorer then.
And of course based and checked.
So I need to bridge ETH to base at first an then I can buy via uniswap?
I'll admit I was wrong and retarded
nope. nice try shitskin
Kek, this the first time you’ve used uniswap anon?
My skin is like alabaster
how many of you fuckers are in the call center lmao. keep pretending custom spending caps are normal
Before you can swap a coin, you have to approve it, granting the third party (uniswap) permission. Every coin requires approval anon. You are a retarded newfag and not worth anymore attention from me. Kys
It's Uniswap that's asking for approval to spend WETH you moron, has literally nothing to do with Circle. Go start a thread about Uniswap approvals if that's your gripe.
Also you don't need to use WETH just use normal ETH, Uniswap will automatically wrap it.
Yes. It's just like any other L2 so you'll need to add the network to your metmask first, or if you use a CB wallet, I think it's built in and you can swap eth between mainnet and base.
I just send eth to my meta from CB CEX by choosing base network. It costs roughly 20 cents per $100 of eth that way. I paid around $11 to bridge $200 of eth using the official base bridge when I bought mochi last year. Way cheaper to just use CB than the shitty official bridge.
It's pretty obvious it's due for a correction soon. It went to $8 and crashed to $2. I could probably grab a better bag in a few days when it gets to $3.8
Stop using that trash site that doesn't even take supply in mind.
use a more based site like thecoinperspective
Correction already happened, brother. We are going straight to $10 by the end of the day today.
TA on a few day old microcap
Idk, it might, but probably won’t. It is being discovered
I had to enter circulating supply manually
bro stop listening to these idiots on the internet you seriously believe a website with a name like
you think that's better than a reliable source like coinmarketcap i mean come on are you stupid have you ever tried thegetrichquickburger from wcdonalds if you're looking for a good burger you should try wcdonalds token ticker (wcd) which is going direct to mars in one of our lambos don't bother with useless sites like
I agree it'll hit $9-10 today. But by the 27th this will climb back down to it's lowest floor at $3.8 and I'll hopefully catch it around $4.2. So instead of me dropping $6k into it currently and only getting 899. And not let FOMO get the best of me. I can wait the 1.5 days and have a bag of closer to 1500. Just my opinion
Coinmarketcap doesn't let you compare token/mc of A with B+supply you niggerfaggot plebbit bot delete yourself and make your creator to off himself.
Alright I put in a little ETH boys.
I saw this last night but had to marinate on it. Burn tokens good for a few Xs for sure
Not sure about the 2k per token speculation for definitely a couple hundred $
God speed, Anon
just buy this new ponzi saar
btw i want to buy 20k worth, is base different? Can i buy with real eth ?
You just bridge your eth to base and then buy as you would any token on uniswap
Here is the link to the official bridge
Maybe. It touched $2 shortly after I bought some at $5 lol. I only bought a tiny bag as a moonshot, but it's obviously got the volume and price action going on for some awesome swinging gains. It's obviously gonna print, but for how long is the question.
I could see this as being the base version of safemoon and playing out the same way, just much faster. If I'm understanding it correctly (and I might not be) the burn mechanism/auto trading will increase along with actual trading, so there should be a sort of runaway ponzi at some point. That might only last a few hours before everyone dumps though. That's good, provided you're watching the charts and/or have a way to set a sell order. If not, you might wake up to see your $100 tokens spiked to $1k and crashed to $2. Again, maybe I'm wrong, but that's the best I can figure with the explanations of the burn mechanism I've read.
holy quads, checked
Okay I bought a small poorfag bag. Time for moonboi talk.
What's the make it stack, what's the sui stack?
In my opinion:
1000 CIRCLE to make it
100 CIRCLE sui stack
This is based on a conservative prediction of $1000/token
unironically 1 CIRCLE is a make it stack
Can you share your findings and conclusions with a midwit such as myself?
1000/10 is what I'm going with. 1mil or 5 digits if it actually hits $1k.
based based on what
listen kids based has nothing to do with this you can base deez nuts on your face
wcdonald is the next token to go to the next dimensions
wcdonald is not bitcoin its bigger than that its wcdonald and just look at those tokenomics i promise to you kids we are going to be rich so you better fomo in now before it's too late wcdonald token (wcd) to 10m mc trust me bro
It's gonna hit $10k
This shit turns people off from buying it
But it's true
How many tokens are we burning per day bros? 5% burned I believe, and that's just from the 'circle' mechanism?
It won't even hit 1k before it gets dumped on horrifically. I'll be honest. It probably won't even hit $100.
bro sell orders just make the chaos engine angry
The token contract is renounced so it's good. There is uniswap liquidity pool nft in the chaos controller contract. Contract holding this nft can claim uniswap fees. There is no function in the contract to transfer it out so it's basically locked forever. The only functions that it has are claiming fees and generating uniswap transactions and burning the token. I'm not an expert though, just know some basics of solidity. DYOR
This is very interesting. I'm trying to think of ways that this will fuck me over, but so far nothing. I'll continue my mediation on 'the circle.'
Dude, $100 is less than $100 mill market cap. SafeMoon went to $18 BILLION. Think bigger
It won't go to $18B... even $1b. Yes, it will maybe get to $100m at max. I'm just stating my opinion, dude.
Very interesting. Thanks fren. I am slowly seeing the light.
which is still fucking good! 16x is nothing to sneeze at
What is your primary concern? Simply related to adoption, or do you have concerns with the tokenomics?
Much appreciated. I'm already planning my Lambo purchase.
Nah, $1 billion is relatively easy. All manner of utter dog shit reaches a billion during peak bull. CIRCLE is an up and coming blue chip on a new chain that is backed by Coinbase. It will definitely hit a billy
Price always go higher than you expect and lower than you expect. Never fade the most popular coin on a new chain which is going through hyper growth, particularly one like this which has unique/first-mover advantages and has the largest CEX backing it/making it the default onboarding path for new money.
ooooo WTFWT
Always could be big holders dump. But it’s getting a decent distribution.
Further to that point: they reached 1 billion in THE LAST bull cycle. Lord knows what the coming cycle holds for us.
I expect I will soon be shitting on an HR professional's desk.
I like this project a lot, I’m gonna keep accumulating. Hopefully I don’t get priced out
Man fuck I only have like $13 in ETH right now. What are the base bridginf and on base fees like? Could I throw it to the circle?
Thats not enough kek
If it's on coinbase cex, you can transfer it directly to base. Swap on uniswap on base is like $0.90. Bridging from etherum whoul cost like $10
I know but I'll feel like a degenerate gambler If I'll take a small stack out of my savings for this. I've retardedly bought small bags on ETH network and they're not worth selling if there's no X's on the table.
The gas on base is pretty minimal, like any other L2. The official bridge sucks, you need to get the eth on chain by either sending directly from CB, or possibly using the built in bridge in CB wallet. You can probably buy $11 or so after slippage and gas if you do that, otherwise it will get eaten up by the fees on the bridge.
Wen coinbase listing
Idk but Brian Armstrong just posted this in the TG:
“ Hi, I am Brian Armstrong. The CEO of CoinBASE. You guys are doing one hell of a good job. Keep up the good work. Remember that THE CIRCLE BURNS FOREVER”
Peepee poopoo
It's rugging as we speak. It's obviously a scamshart coin from the sewers of mumbai. Drop the price to $4 and I'll consider putting some rupees in.
It's up 40% today you absolute faggot
Ad hominem? That's how you know you are emotionally over-invested in some Indian sewage. Tell you what, drop it to $5 and I'll donate rupees.
Kekkekkk. He’s definitely emotionally over-invested in Indian sewage craponoids
Kek, carry on then, faggot.
Devs are unprofessional pajeet niggers sell immediately
If you buy this shitcoin you'll get what you deserve
Man, I'm going to tell you the truth. You have 23 posts so far in this thread. So about 1/5th. You're either looking for us to be your exit liquidity or you're way too over invested in this. It's the only 2 options
I just bought today and I'm excited, but fine I'll take my shitposts elsewhere
Banned from $CIRCLE tg for discussing swing trading.
Literal kike nigger pajeet incel 5 year olds are running this project
Literally shit
lol look at this normie shilling indian sewage craponoids he probably can't afford our giga pumps get rich quick burgers what kind of loser buys circle token anyway i can't believe i took the time out of my day to respond to this lowlife if he buys circle he deserves to get rekt and learn his lesson my advice to this loser is don't buy circle token it's the worst token you can buy buy wcdonalds token ticker (wcd) it's the best token i've ever seen and is going to the moon
Anyone who buys this jeet coin will get what they deserve
IN 30 MINUTES! lol!!
Maybe you shouldn't alienate your audience.
You'll get what you deserve when your shitcoin goes to zero.
listen up buddy this here is wcdonalds token ticker (wcd) and we do not tolerate racial slurs we are all winners here i have 3 lamborghinis 5 rolexes and a private island we're all here to become rich from buying my token tick (wcd); there's no need to use slurs or bring hate to this thread and just so you know i've already blocked that guy let's keep this place positive
I've been trying to persuade you from buying this very subtly the entire time. Kids these days gotta learn life lessons the hard way, because none of you listen
You're a pajeet as well
He loves the smell of curry smelling craponoids kekekk
all those other shitcoins in that wallet
lmao I'm guessing those were airdropped because the guy is famous for the stuff you mentioned? At this point he's probably more of a self-fulfilling prophecy than actually good. Which is even better as far as I'm concerned.
I only have 1000 BASE. I might buy more if it dips 50%, but I don't want to risk more here.
Circle devs can't speak english
This is actually embarrassing. Why not just use an english translator or chatgpt to write it for you?
IKR literal jeetcoin
I can't believe, it's fucking real. Sell everyone, sell for your lives!
Looks like you jeeted before the 40k ape, sad.
this shit is fucking retarded
and for that reason i'm in
Actually I have made $150 off of this shitcoin