If you had 200k in cash would you dump it into s&p or would you buy btc/eth?

If you had 200k in cash would you dump it into s&p or would you buy btc/eth?


Like all at once? Is now a good time?

I usually lump sum rather than dca

Do you think I should do it now or wait?

Time in the market beats timing the market

Thanks for talking sense to me

probably pay off the other half of my mortgage just so I don't have to think about that debt even though it's at an extremely low rate. But between the two id put 50k in eth because it's lagging BTC by 25% atm, and then throw the rest in s&p ETF since it obliterates every dividend aristocrats year over year

All of it in spy. Easy money.

50k in stocks 150k in crypto through the bullrun. then sell crypto top and move it into s&p.


Bitcoin/ETH. The dollar is becoming worth less and less.

DCA is the opposite of timing the market. It's a strategy to hedge against risk of buying the top.

it usually ends up just making you buying less shares since stocks tend to go up over time

I can time the market

the best time to buy is right now!

I'd all in RLC and go big and make millions

you would be correct if retail would start buying at the exact moment where we are at the bottom

Probably put it all in btc and tech stocks. Maybe put a beefy house payment down.

Eth will become irrelevant the longer time goes by.

DCA is timing the market
and yes, the best time to buy is always right now

No. DCA is the only strategy that is not timing the market.

I can time the market

the best possible time is right now


you're literally assuming the market will go down if you wait. that is timing the market

Just btc and some tech companies. Everything else is shit.

All in BTC, an all but guaranteed 2x (conservative, could be more) in the next year or so.
Cash out THEN put your 400k+ in the S&P500

I only buy dumps. And shit will always dump.

No. I'm not making any assumptions. You are. DCA doesn't make any assumptions about the market.

lump sum rational: idk if the market will go up or down in the short term so I'll just put it all in now. besides, the market tends to go up over time and lump sum tends to beat DCA anyways.

DCA rational: I'm affraid the market will go down after a big purchase so I'll space out my ivestments in case the market goes down. what's that? you say the market could go up too? uuuuuuuhhhhhhh *shits myself*

Once you know what ICP you don't look back. It is crypto end game

compare.jpg - 1952x1453, 472.57K

I do have that and it is sitting in a savings account doing jack shit

150k kaspies 50k Nvidia

I'd probably go all in on BTC especially at this particularly moment. Would probably put $50k in the Q's but Bitcoin is about to get moving and you don't want to miss that train.

you would be retarded not to put it in btc and eth

daily reminder that you can baghold for 10+ years

If this isn't a LARP please don't blow it on shitcoins. Get into the stockmarket and if you want to take 5k or something and buy shitcoins that's fine but don't be like the broke retards on this board.

Not everyone is a moonboi faggot like you. While you are trying to "make it" in mommies basement everyone who actually invested will have moved on with homes and families.

i have 400k and no income and im consideirng buying MSTR (leveraged BTC) because the SP500 is too fucking slow, i need a fucking 3x pronto, not some dogshit 2x every 7 years, at some point you have to consider if there is more risk in waiting so long to make it vs taking more risk now

you are a fucking faggot thinking that time is on your side, you may die tomrorow faggot, make it fast or not make it at all, dumb bitchboy, im going to 3x this shit by next year and i will retire with 1 million in divies while you wagecuck ,its programmed.

"Time in the market beats timing the market"

SoyBoy.png - 554x772, 15.77K

Enjoy being poor, anon.

Lol, that's nice Timmy. It's all a LARP anyway. You don't have two dimes ti rub together. You live with mommy LARPing on 4chins to try and look cool(it's not working).

150k s&p
50k blue chip crypto desu

you dont want to waste 200k on high risk assets

I would research different tokens.
1st step: You need to understand the narrative (eg nfts, sc, socialfi, defi).
2nd step: Does that specific crypto narrative have demand?
3rd step: Does the specific crypto satisfies the narrative, and does the token attached to the specific project have demand?
4th step: Is the project consistent with the crypto ethos of decentralization, opensource, sovereignty over your keys?
5th step: Is there demos?
6th step: Does it have a low market cap? Good technical analysis? Are VCs waiting to dump?

Narrative: SocialFi - decentralized social medias that are opensource, free to use, peer to peer, scalable etc.
Demand: As tech censorship of the masses increases (on issues of medical health/politics/economics/social issues) there is more demand for decentralized social medias that are decentralized wth no centralizing DNS or https endpoints, while maintaining scalability, speed etc.
Specific case study: plebbit $pleb.
Plebbit is an opensource, free to use, peer to peer social medias protocol with no https endpoints and no need for SSL certificates. Instead it uses the IPFS and ENS. This means it's actually decentralized unlike federated alternatives or projects like steemit.
Plebbit will allow board owners to advertise or not to advertise.
Users will be able to curate their feed wth subs that have and don't have ads.
ENS is used for board names.
NFTs could be used for avatars.
The token will be used to curate the default feed through a DAO.
As the protocols is adopted, more sub owners will want to be featured in the default feed so they can increase their subs popularity, earn ad revenue and perhaps even trade their valuable sub as an NFT. This will create demand while also satisfying the narratives demand by being apart of a social media protocol with a viable and novel design.
The token will also be used to vote on Dev issues and tipping.
3.5m mcap no VCs 100% airdropped grassroots, undergone 1+ year of slow rise.

someone here play around with 1 mill and lose it all including his life.
check the /smg archive.
180k on shit & piss
15k on crypto
5k on cash fund


50:50 BTC:QLD

I'd dump it all on red

1172 Denny Wy (ground level view)
Seattle, WA
47.618532, -122.333113

Too easy

Got em kek