TYBG: Next Household Name of Meme

Alright biz, you can screenshot this and save it for a 2025 pico top. TYBG has a good potential to be a household name of the meme coin of this cycle and it is the chosen one.

- Coinbase launches base chain, all we know that Coinbase is powerhouse after Binance and ftx meltdown
- Coinbase going to dominate the crypto market and probably $coin market cap will be $500b to $1trillion
- masses will be onboarded via Coinbase
- there should be one meme coin on base chain going to complete dominate the meme world and explode like Shiba
-Coinbase is choosing $tybg as you can see Brian himself quote tweeted and including 20 cb employees following TYBG in twitter
- CB listing is coming soon as head of listing, Dan Kim and Zach Segal following TYBG in twitter and Zach is also in TYBG telegram
- this is no brainer
- I predict tybg market cap to be $50-$100b during pico top

Do what you have to do with it.

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Just such a shit unorganic meme desu senpai. Like the type of meme companies try to shill

That’s why I told you to screenshot this. Do you have something against bald people? It’s building a culture, a lore (not a cult ) and it’s going to melt faces. It’s up to you if you want to be early and be a disciple or be an adulator.

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Seethe harder as TYBG controls the meme and the memes take over the world. This anon is NGMi

I 100% agree with you on that.

People either decide to fade it because they think they missed the boat.

And those who are already in will end up selling their bags way too early.

This is such a no brainer meme coin if you slightly open your eyes

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Screenshot this:
TYBG will never be listed on CB. And here's why: That would be the most arrogant, narcissistic PR CB could do, and it'd draw people away from it. It'd be a really bad move. Brian and team would never approve it. I'm just telling you all like it is. Not saying TYBG won't be successful during Base season; it very much will. Probably hit 300-500m. But Toshi and Mochi will be listed. Not TYBG. Would just look really bad.

See your shilling isnt even funny or lighthearted. Its like youre unpaid CB interns

So you think tax tokens will be listed in cb? Are you out of your mind? CB not going to take a risk. Tax tokens big no.

Did Brian quote tweeted toshi/mochi? Does Dan and Zach follow toshi/mochi on twitter?

Either your are bag biased or your are stupid.

Check out all tybg memes, they are the funniest meme you will ever seen.

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the devs can just remove the tax

How long have you been in crypto anon? Looks like you need to get back to the basics. Point me one tax token that is listed by CB. Even AMPL isn’t listed and it isn’t a tax token, it is a rebase token. They had to introduce a governance token FORTH in order to list it. Keep dreaming and keep seething while TYBG gets listed on CB and becomes the meme of this cycle and get to 100B MCAP

fuck. I would have bought a bag, but now that you have this 100B moonboy crap, I think I'll stick to MOCHI and TOSHI. Good luck in TYBG

Do you know what you and the cats got in common??? Both of you are psy ppusy pusi psychhh and I love it when they are small. Tokens with tax or history of tax will never ever get listed on Coinbase.

dump it below 10m mcap and i will throw 100 eth on it

fuck you buy WCDONALDS

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fuck you i wont

oh lord have mercy on my sould

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something went wrong

Cant buy dogshit on coinbase wallet if you wanted to, fuck this gay app

Did you follow the instructions from TYBG website/Twitter? I haven't tried from the CB wallet, but you still need to send eth to the base network chain from eth mainnet, and be on the base network when you connect to a dex, regardless of what wallet you're using.

CB wallet has some sorta built in base bridge. It should be pretty simple if you follow the instructions.






them miserably mediocre memes

the lousiest lines

OP, your shit sucks. gtfo

Eh, I agree with your premise, but you should actually check out the socials on this one. It's pretty much a CB memetoken with one legal degree of seperation between CB execs and the devs. I think BA is actually an unlisted "advisor" to the team lol. It may as well be the official CB meme.

You should be packing bags of all the top base network tokens at this time. The network is just starting to take off, and it's backed by the biggest cex for us customers. Fuckin no brainer plays.

lol.. so Brian quote tweeted and you posting some shit audit stuffs.. if you want to fud to accumulate more, come up with something better

Do you have something against bald people? Do you hate money? Are you committing adultery?

Don’t you understand “if” tybg became a household meme, what’s the potential?

Don’t you understand who is going to dominate meme space in coming bull run?

Don’t you know how to connect dots? Don’t you get it all the breadcrumbs?

Do you get it yet?

If it goes below $20m, I have 30 eth ready. Yolo

on record that Base founder is in TG and advised TYBG team of second commandment so that it aligns with phase 4 of coinbase/base ethos

Stay poor if you're not buying this lol fucking retards

if they were truly based they would do it

If anything, the meme’s integration of Base and Coinbase is something that makes it unique. Using Base in the name is in fact the best PR they could do imo if the project becomes huge. Everyone literally would have to say and see the word “Base”.

As always, no offense to other projects but in theory other memes could have launched on Eth for example and they would be the exact same projects there as they are here, whereas our meme is Base exclusive and meta in a sense. I see it as an advantage.

Do you get it yet?

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We can always wish for it, but who know it will happen or not. Packed my bag already.

Yes ser. And, community created this meme as Jesse was actually skating that time lol

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I mean skiing

Nah, I’m gonna keep buying CIRCLE

Combine this post
And you have TYBG on Anon Babble in a nutshell.

It’s your money ser, do what you feel like doing it. You saw all the facts here and should understand by now that why tybg is the chosen one.

if it was such a major issue for “Brian and team” then why did Brian go out of his way to quote tweet it when minting his company earnings for the first time in history, exposing Base God to his entire investor base/following?

Do you get it yet?


for a meme shittoken


He said “unlisted”

I'm not sure why I'm bothering but, if he's an advisor to the team, maybe it's not just going to be a useless shitcoin?

Fuckin dense motherfuckers itt. I did 15 mins of clicking social media accounts and decided to buy the day I heard about it. I'm up 3.5x rn.

Sorry, I'm up 4x. I had to refresh the dexscreener tab.

Haters are gonna hate, fudders are gonna fud, people alway have motives and greed. But I believe TYBG has established itself as a brand by now and that’s why people who missed are pissed and people who doesn’t get it are pissed as well. I love how dev stay humble throughout every spaces and know when to pull the trigger and when to put in on safe. Everyone else is shilling TYBG but Dev is grounded and humble all the time. it’s rare to find such traits these days especially when we have 100’s of chains and 1000’s of shits being launched everyday.